Use this menu to control the characteristics of the DictationMachine for display related settings.
• Playback Display •
Use this menu item to activate/deactivate real time playback display. When in playback mode, the digital display portion of the main window displays the actual sound being played in real time. By selecting or deselecting this item user can optionally turn on or off this display. If the tape was recorded with compression however, this item is disabled. Due to overwhelming amount of CPU time required for real-time decompression and display to occur concurrently, the display of compressed sound in real time is not supported. Supporting such feature will greatly effect overall performance of the computer, resulting in a general slow down of other programs running.
• Record Display •
Use this menu item to activate/deactivate real time record display. When in record mode, the digital display portion of the main window displays the actual loudness and selected threshold for the sound being recorded in real time. By selecting or deselecting this item user can optionally turn on or off this display.
• Level Indicator •
Use this menu item to activate/deactivate the record level indicator. In the record mode, the record level is indicated in the main screen in form of a bar. This option is selected at start up (default) and can be turn on/off by the user thereafter using this menu item.
• Menu Bar Notifications •
Use this menu item to activate/deactivate notification in the menu bar. The current state of the DictationMachine is displayed by a flashing icon over the apple icon (top left corner of screen) when this option is selected. This option is selected at start up (default) and can be controlled by the user thereafter using this menu item.
• Shrink •
Use this menu item to iconize the main window to preserve desktop space and reveal windows of other applications running.
• Expand •
Use this menu item to increase the DictationMachine's main window size to reveal all controls and displays.
• Balloon Help •
DictationMachine fully supports the system 7 balloon help feature. Use this menu item to activate/deactivate the balloon help. Once this option is selected, the balloon help is activated for DictationMachine and any other application running. Users can also activate the balloon help by selecting "Show Balloons" option in the help menu of the system 7 from the finder.
• Keyboard Controls •
Use this menu item to view the keyboard controls which allow you to control the DictationMachine from inside other applications. Upon selection, user is presented with a dialog which would displays and animate the method for use of the keyboard control feature. The keyboard controls allow the user to stop, play, record, fast forward, and rewind the tape from inside any application. This feature take away the cumbersome task of switching application just to control the DictationMachine's actions. Additionally, since the keyboard control is done in a unique way internally, there is no need for a startup (extension or INIT) program which may cause conflict with system programs.
• Brightness •
This submenu allows the user to adjust the brightness of the display elements in the main window. Depending on depth of color or shades of gray available on the computer that the DictationMachine is running on, the readability of the digital displays can be increased by adjusting the brightness. The default value for the brightness is 1. If the DictationMachine is running on a black and white display, the default values are setup automatically to white.